

【2023 Asia XR Golden Awards】
"New stars are born all the time in the Metaverse!
We believe that through "Asia XR Golden Awards", the platform can promote the creativity and influence of XR startups in Taiwan. We welcome any works that focus on innovation and incorporate VR/AR technology into the concept of the metaverse to participate in the Asia XR Golden Awards.

“2019-2020 White Paper of Taiwan XR Industry” has released now.
“2019-2020 White Paper of Taiwan XR Industry” which is focusing on the latest of Taiwan XR industry includes:
1. Overviews of global and local XR Industry.
2. Advice for Taiwan’s XR Industrial Policy.
3. XR applications trend: Smart Transportation and Smart Factory.

XR Industrial Directory Boosts Your Business Opportunities!
XR Industrial Directory is an online industry platform powered by XR EXPRESS Taiwan and advised by the National Development Council. We are committed to providing businesspeople a standard index of Taiwan XR cross field vendors to promote future business cooperation.

“2017-2018 White Paper of Taiwan XR Industry” has released now.
“2017-2018 White Paper of Taiwan XR Industry” which is focusing on the latest of Taiwan XR industry includes:
1. Overviews of Taiwan’s XR Industry.
2. Advices for Taiwan’s XR Industrial Policy.
3. Future Trends:5G and Smart Space Application. And more!!!